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We create the environment in which our community can thrive

Organising events for all Cambridge and Oxford alumni in Poland


Fill in the form to join us at Oxbridge & Friends hosted by the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Poland.

The event will take place on the 6th of August between 5:30 and 8:30 pm.

The signups are now closed.

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Oxbridge & Friends hosted by the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Poland. This form no longer accepts submissions. The signups are now closed.



Annual General Meeting
20 January 2022

The meeting was organised to review the past year, plan for the forthcoming year, review finances and election of officers. Ola Mazzini and Pawel Wieprzowski resigned from the committee. Mateusz Kusio took over as VP for memberships.


Annual General Meeting
20 January 2022

The meeting was organised to review the past year, plan for the forthcoming year, review finances and election of officers.

Online conversation about the war in Ukraine
1 March 2022

Online conversation about the war in Ukraine: Professor Adam Rotfeld in conversation with Mateusz Mazzini.

Science Café
10 March 2022

Artificial intelligence in image recognition, Dr Maciej Bobowicz in conversation with Dr Paulina Dobosz.

Oxbridge&Friends Warsaw Social
24 June  2022

Social mixer in Elektrownia Powiśle.

Radek Sikorski MEP in coversation with Mateusz Mazzini
25 March 2022

Online conversation about the war in Ukraine: Radek Sikorski MEP in conversation with Mateusz Mazzini.

Meeting with Mr. Matteo Mecacci
24 October 2022

Meeting with Mr. Matteo Mecacci, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) – moderated by Maciej Kuziemski.

Annual Dinner at Mielżyński Restaurant
25 November 2022

Special guest: Lord Jonathan Sumption, former judge of the British Supreme Court, acclaimed historian of the Hundred Years’ War.


Lecture by Edinburgh University Professor of History Alvin Jackson (Corpus Christi College and Nuffield College, Oxford)
23 April 2019, 16:15

23 April 2019, 16:15, "War and the disintegration of union and empire, 1914-21: The United Kingdom in comparative context". Event organised by OSP member Professor Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski. Natolin (Warsaw) Campus, ul. Nowoursynowska 84, 02-797 Warszawa

Annual General Meeting
1 April 2020, 17:30

The meeting was organised to review the past year, plan for the forthcoming year, review finances and election of officers.

Panel Discussion
13 November 2020

Ambassador Urszula Gacek in conversation with Marek Martraszek on 2020 US presidential elections


Ukraine Border Crisis: Heroes, Invisible Victims, and Bureaucratic Denial
20 January 2023

Talk by Dr Stephen Scharge Ukraine Border Crisis: Heroes, Invisible Victims, and Bureaucratic Denial, moderated by Hubert Czyżewski

Annual General Meeting 
27 February 2023

Re-election of the Committee, with new members: Katya Andrusz, Otto Barrow; Michał Tarnowski stepped down.

British Culture Evening
21 April 2023

The British Culture Evening organised at College of Europe in Natolin.

Book discussion – “Koniec tęczy”
22 May 2023

Book discussion – “Koniec tęczy” about the contemporary society and politics of Chile; the author Mateusz Mazzini in coversation with Hubert Czyżewski.

Oxbridge and LSE Business Social Mixer
25 October 2023
Annual Dinner at Bocca Restaurant
9 December  2023

Special guest: Sir Julian King, British diplomat and former Commissioner of the European Commission.


Virtual wine tasting
19 February 2021

Virtual wine tasting organized exclusively for Oxbridge Society by Mr. Wojciech Bońkowski, Founder of Winicjatywa and Editor in Chief of Ferment Magazine

Oxbridge&Friends Warsaw Social 
28 June 2021
1st Warsaw Boat Race
12 June 2021

1st Warsaw Boat Race organized with TWDW society on Vistula. Oxford won.

Was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth a failed state?
8 September 2021

Conversation with Professor Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski, moderated by Hubert Czyżewski

Oxbridge meets Harvard Club of Poland.
15 September 2021
Oxbridge Science Café
30 November 2021

Covid-19 expert discussion Dr Marek Posobkiewicz and Professor Tomasz Dzieciątkowski in coversation with Dr Paula Dobosz.

Future of Afghanistan
25 November 2021

Ambassador Piotr Łukasiewicz and Dr Patrycja Sasnal in coversation with Mateusz Mazzini.

Annual Dinner at Villa Foksal
15 October 2021

Special guests: Krzysztof Bobińśki, journalist and former President of our Society.

40th Anniversary of the Polish Martial Law
9 December 2021

Panel discussion at the British Embassy in Warsaw – Mr Antoni Bohdanowicz (British Solidarity with Poland Campaign), Mr Jan Chodakowski (PULS Publishing House) and Mr Eugeniusz Smolar (Polish Section of the BBC) in coversation with Dr Hubert Czyżewski


Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
15 December 2019, 16:00

Hosted by OSP member Revd. David Brown and the Church of England Chaplaincy in Warsaw. Reformed Calvinist Church, Al. Solidarnosci 74, 00-145 Warsaw

LOC Christmas Dinner:
21 December 2019, 20:00

Hosted by Oxford University Polish Society, Cambridge University Polish Society and LSE SU Polish Business Society. Villa Foksal, ul. Foksal 3/5, 00-366 Warsaw

Universities of Oxford & Cambridge Alumni Network Poland is the only official club of Oxford and Cambridge alumni in Poland and it is affiliated with both universities.

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