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1. Objectives and Obligations

The Society is a community of those who have studied or taught at the universities of Cambridge or Oxford (further referred to as “the Universities”) whose aim is to meet and participate in activities organised by the Society, which include social, cultural and intellectual events.


The activities shall be compatible with the aims, purposes and standards of the Global Alumni Networks of the Universities and will maintain the reputation of the Universities. Activities will be arranged by the Committee (see clause 6) and individual members working with the Committee and may include speaker events, assistance with education, offering of skills and expertise, helping potential applicants to the Universities as well as networking both internally and with other alumni organisations.


The Society will adhere to and defend values such as freedom of thought and expression and be free of any form of prejudice or discrimination. The society as a whole shall not pursue private enterprise activities or favour or promote any particular political point of view. The activities or publications of the Society should not damage the reputation of the Universities.  English shall be the language used by the Society during its member only events.

2. Membership

Membership is open to all who have matriculated, taught or who hold honorary degrees at either University. Application for membership will be made through the Society’s website, and all applicants who fulfil the membership criteria and have agreed to be on the Society’s mailing list shall be accepted. Members are required to accept the aims and obligations of the Society and to comply with its rules. Members are expected to pay an annual subscription determined by the Committee. Subscriptions received from new members joining in the last quarter of a given year will be deemed to cover the next calendar year. Only fully paid up members will be entitled to vote at the general or extraordinary society meetings.

3. Proceedings

The Society’s internet site and a register of members will be maintained by the Membership Secretary, at all times ensuring confidentiality of members’ details. Meetings will be announced through suitable media and open to all members, and guests where appropriate.  Some events will levy a fee to cover costs and Society funds may also be used to support events. Members are encouraged to suggest ideas for the content of meetings and to participate in its organisational work.

4. General Meetings

The Society shall hold a General Meeting every two years in order to elect or re-elect Officers, approve accounts, and to discuss any other business. The General Meeting is deemed to be the final decision-making body for the society in all questions. Nominations for any post on the Committee can be submitted up to the moment of voting. A candidate must have a proposer and seconder from amongst the Society’s paid up members and be prepared to present herself or himself and her/his ideas at the meeting.  At the written request of five paid up members, the Committee will be required to call an extraordinary general meeting within two months of receiving such notice.

5. Appointment of Officers

The Society is managed by a Committee, elected at biennial General Meetings for a two-year term. The Committee comprises between four and eight members including a President and vice-presidents who have specific responsibilities for organizing events, maintaining the internet page and membership records, the Society’s finances and other matters deemed necessary. Should a vacancy arise, the Committee is permitted to find a replacement to serve until the next General Meeting.  Additional non-voting officers may be co-opted by the Committee should such a need arise. At least one member of the Committee shall be from each University.  The Committee will also identify two Society members as “the primary contact” with the Alumni Relations Office of each University. The proceedings of the Committee shall be conducted with due regard to the principle of common sense and the well-being of the Society. Every effort should be made by the members to ensure that decisions are taken on a consensual basis. Should this prove impossible then a simple majority of those present at any meeting, with a casting vote of the President in the event of a tie, will be needed for approval of contentious issues. No fees shall be paid to any officer.

6. Duties of Committee

The duties of the Committee include: arranging and publicising events, making all necessary decisions, keeping necessary records, maintaining liaison through the primary contacts with the Alumni Offices of the Universities, complying with the reasonable requirements of those Offices, arranging an annual dinner if considered desirable, liaison with other alumni organizations and receiving proposals for activities from members.

7. Financial Matters

The Society is financially self-supporting. The Treasurer, in agreement with the Committee, is bound to make the appropriate arrangements for the safekeeping of Society assets. The Committee shall determine the amount of the annual subscription to be paid by members, and any charge to be paid by members participating in events organized by the Society. The Committee may decide to subsidise any event, including paying travel and other expenses of guests of the Society, and may also seek private or commercial sponsorship for events and activities. Annual accounts shall be prepared and distributed to members for their private use by the end of the first quarter of any given year.

Universities of Oxford & Cambridge Alumni Network Poland is the only official club of Oxford and Cambridge alumni in Poland and it is affiliated with both universities.

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